Blog #4

Where we started, where we are now: Progress after 1 month. This blog is devoted to showcasing the progress we have made in the last month. So far we have accomplished a good little bit, the games are becoming better, the iteration is faster, the coding knowledge is developing. Most importantly though, our block mesh skills are improving. I am spending a ton of time iterating on ideas and learning new tools in UE5 and Maya. One meaningful takeaway is the importance of having a variety of tools to use. Engines can be used to block mesh quickly, and make effective time-managed iterations on the fly. They can also be used to make the vast majority of your basic buildings. But when you have a shining jewel in the level? That’s when we want to turn to Maya. Do we need the Eiffel Tower in Paris? Maya. Do we want 15 buildings the guards will spawn from? Engine.

~Rapid Prototype Production~

The finalized version of our game, Ransack Raccoon, was presented in front of an audience of 70 FIEA students today and we had some REALLY exciting moments! We attempted to demonstrate the entire 100% completion by grabbing all of the food and picking up all of the collectible items. However, I got caught. A couple of times. And I almost got caught again on the final run. BUT I made it by the skin of my teeth! I had four guards chasing me and I barely made it to a trashcan in time to hide. There was clearly a big feeling in the room of “will he make it or will he get caught” and that tension made for a very exciting moment in game. However, I think it’s important to recognize the risks that can occur in that situation. There needed to be a god mode for that prototype. Had I gotten caught we may not have had the time to make it to the end. That level of risk is not great for prototyping a game. I think that’s a major takeaway from this opportunity.

Finalized version of Ransack Raccoon

~Level Design~

In level design we have been preparing to go into a few different assignments. First we have a FPS level upcoming which I have begun to develop below. The idea behind this is for the map to be a 6v6 multiplayer map where two teams will compete over three “flags” and try to remain control over them. The other assignment will be a single player story map that’s either based in medieval times or a near-future science lab. Stay tuned to the next blog for more information on that project!


Remember this bad boy on the left from blog 2? He’s been imported into Unreal and is starting to look AMAZING! More developments to be made on Friday.

Anyways that’s it for this week. Stay on the lookout for blog #5 where Minesweeper will be completed from coding class, Houdini will have some sculpting updates, I will have begun the knight/soldier single player blockmesh level, and more advancements will be made on the multiplayer FPS level. So long for now - Au Revoir!


Blog #5


Blog #3