Blog #6

Weekly Recap

Hey guys. It’s been a minute since the last blog post update. This one has a TON of updates. There’s been so much I’ve worked on. So much headbanging. So many fires to put out. BUT things are coming together. The grind at FIEA is real. I’ve done more work and spent more time creating and being pushed creatively than I ever have before. It’s such a beautiful opportunity and I’m so thankful to be here. Honestly part of me is almost a bit sad because I know that this time is already flying by and soon enough people will be getting those first job applications in, and then interviewing, and one by one friends will start going off into the industry. It’s a hard and sad reality, but man what I keep saying to myself what a beautiful opportunity this is and has been. Anyways, without further ado, lets jump into the headbanging fire putting out work we’ve been putting together.

Rapid Prototype Production (4th project)

This Tuesday began the fourth iteration of RPP. This two week periods theme: Story. My team is taking this opportunity to tell the story of sailor in the 17th and 18th century during the golden age of piracy. Ultimately this game will focus on the narrative of our protagonist trying desperately to make enough money to save his sick daughter who is dying from Malaria. He will do so by setting sail into the open waters of the Ocean to fish for rare and exotic fish that he can sell for enough money to purchase Jesuit’s Bark which was known then to cure Malaria. On the adventure however once he has caught enough rare fish to afford the treatment for his daughter something more will tempt him into the ocean. The siren’s song. Whether or not he chooses to save his daughter or pursue the riches of capturing a Siren is up to the player, but no matter the choice the adventure is surely to follow.

Rapid Prototype Production (3rd Project)

Week three’s RPP project was difficult. The theme was a learning game. And well. We learned a lot. The biggest struggles were figuring out how to make two cities traversable via teleportation that would occur when a trigger box event was triggered and a specific selection was made. Ultimately due to the scope of the cities it was difficult to have two different cities of this scale in the same level while having a nav mesh with AI running around and multiple trigger boxes. Optimization was a huge struggle with this game. Ultimately we fought through and complied a project together that was presentable to the 70 person RPP audience. I’m proud of the result even if it wasn’t everything we had pictured day 1. We had to make compromises because we only had 2 weeks. But the result turned out well.

Level Design

This week in level design we have begun the process of Blueprinting! Our first assignment was to make a spline that can ley down assets in a row continuously. For this example we used pipes.

Additionally we also were required to submit a room to scale blockout. I chose to do the area that I work in, the cohort area. Specifically I narrowed it down to the producer section of the cohort area which is where most of the people I interact with daily are located. This project took about 2 days. I’m unsure of the amount of hours that I put into it, but if I had to guess it would be ~10 hours.

Anyways, that’s it for this week. Thanks for checking it out! Au revoir!


Blog #7


Blog #5