Category: Block-mesh Level Design
Designed the layouts of the map. Modeled the entire level in UE5.
Scripted AI spawns, behavior such as movement, and drop rates, health, and other variables.
Scripted trigger boxes in the level to custom spawn enemies at certain checkpoints while keeping the spawns out of view of the player.
Scripted blinking lights and moving parts in the train as well as smoke emitters and fire emitters that trigger at certain points in the level to reduce system requirements.
Scripted a helicopter sequence using trigger boxes and UE5’s sequencer to have the helicopter fly through the level over the player on the train and drop off enemy troops.
Created two chaos system objects in UE5 that broke into pieces. The first was the bridge which happens before runtime and was played and cached and then broken into pieces so that the individual static meshes could be edited instead of having all of the pieces be attached. The second was the destroyed train cart which is destroyed on game start. Invisible boxes that don’t collide with the player were placed strategically around the train car to prevent the pieces from falling in the golden path of the player.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6: Combat, enemy spawns, aesthetic, gameplay, scale
Wolfenstein: Train, loot placement
Level Goals:
This project, titled Trainwreck, was an exploration of first-person-shooter level design inspired by the intensity and cinematic style of games like Call of Duty Black Ops 6 and Wolfenstein. The goal was to create a dynamic, high-stakes environment that blended challenging combat scenarios with engaging environmental storytelling. Set on a derailed train teetering over a canyon, the level aimed to immerse players in the story of an ex-military hero racing to stop a terrorist plot.
The design process emphasized technical execution alongside creative layout design. Using Unreal Engine 5, I block-meshed the entire level, focusing on creating spaces that guided player flow while maintaining the tension of a confined yet chaotic environment. Dynamic encounters were scripted through trigger boxes that spawned enemies at key moments, ensuring a balanced and engaging progression. These encounters were enhanced by cinematic elements, such as a helicopter sequence where enemy troops rappel into the player’s path, seamlessly transitioning between visuals and gameplay.
A key focus was leveraging UE5’s Chaos system to create destructible environments. The bridge collapse and destroyed train car were both crafted to add dramatic flair and interactivity. Invisible collision boxes were strategically placed to prevent debris from interfering with the player’s path, ensuring smooth gameplay while maintaining immersion. Additionally, effects like blinking lights, smoke, and fire were carefully timed to reduce system requirements while adding to the atmosphere.
This project was an opportunity to refine my technical skills and explore how cinematic storytelling and gameplay mechanics can work together to create a compelling experience. By studying pacing, space, and player engagement in iconic FPS games, I aimed to build a level that challenges players while drawing them into its world. Trainwreck is an ongoing learning process, and each iteration continues to inform my approach to dynamic and immersive level design.

When designing the layout for Trainwreck, I looked at Call of Duty levels to understand how to create tightly connected spaces that prioritize action and immersion. Given the project’s scope, I aimed for a more condensed interpretation of these design principles while incorporating distinct elements to shape my own approach.
Connected spaces: The level progresses through a series of interconnected train cars, each designed as a unique combat or traversal zone. From enclosed interiors like the leisure car to more open rooftop battles, the spaces vary in scale and function to accommodate gameplay, cinematic events, and narrative progression. Each area is crafted to flow seamlessly into the next, creating a natural progression toward the front of the train.
Strategic traversal: Traversal plays a critical role in the layout, with multiple paths available in certain areas. For example, players can choose to engage rooftop enemies at close range or snipe them from a distance. Later sections, like the precarious fourth and fifth cars, incorporate jumping, climbing, and navigating debris to add a sense of danger and intensity.
Believability: The train and its environment were built with realism in mind, using accurate proportions for a grounded and immersive experience. Each space serves a functional purpose, from the kitchen car’s dual levels to the dining car’s slanted floor over the chasm, reinforcing the narrative of a chaotic, ongoing attack. The world is further enhanced by scripted elements like blinking hazard lights, debris-filled obstacles, and a cinematic helicopter flyover, bringing the destruction to life.
This approach balances gameplay variety with a strong sense of place, creating a fast-paced and engaging experience that immerses players in the story.
Total enemies: 1
Waves: 1
The first encounter occurs in the second train car, designed to jolt the player into action. Upon entering, the player is ambushed by an enemy who bursts out from behind the door, immediately placing them on high alert. The player must use their starting pistol to dispatch the first enemy. After the enemy is defeated players are free to push forward. Enemy spawn points are carefully placed to subtly guide the player’s progression northward.
How It Works:
The encounter relies on a trigger box that activates when the player enters the area before the room. The enemy is this spawned on the nav mesh close to the door. At the same time the door is given a timeline node that swings the door open rapidly. The enemy is then given a movement command to move to the other side of the door. All of these things happen near instantaneously creating a moment that feels like the enemy is charging through the door to attack the player.
Total enemies: 6
Waves: 3
This encounter takes place on the roof of the third and fourth train cars, providing an open and vertical combat experience. The player can choose between sniping enemies from a distance with their newly acquired sniper rifle or engaging them up close with a rifle or pistol. The first wave consists of two enemies patrolling the rooftop. Upon their defeat, a helicopter flies over the train, dropping reinforcements who land further down the train the player, creating an opportunity to kill some enemies from far away to avoid them later on.
How It Works:
The encounter is triggered by a sequence tied to the rooftop trigger box. Enemy spawns are split between initial rooftop patrols and reinforcements delivered by the helicopter. The helicopter sequence is built using UE5's Sequencer, with enemies spawning dynamically after the helicopter's arrival.
Total enemies: 3
Waves: 1
This encounter uses environmental hazards and enemy placement to heighten tension. The player traverses the kitchen car, which hangs precariously over the canyon. As the player moves through the lower level, they are ambushed by two enemies emerging from behind overturned tables. A third enemy waits upstairs, using the high ground to rain fire down on the player. This encounter is designed to make players use both their weapons and the environment strategically.
How It Works:
Enemies are triggered by the player entering the lower level through a trigger box. Enemy spawns are staggered slightly to ensure the ambush feels reactive and dynamic. A custom patrol script for the upstairs enemy gives the illusion of him waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
PROCESS: Gameplay and Thematic Integration
Engagement Curve and Relationship with Narrative and Gameplay
Narrative Context
The central idea for Trainwreck was to create a high-stakes level set aboard a train under siege. To design the spaces effectively, I crafted a detailed narrative backdrop that defined the events unfolding in each car. Much like the best Call of Duty levels, the spaces gain their unique identity not only from their intended functions but also from the chaos caused by the terrorist attack.
Starting with this premise, I wanted the level to feel like a desperate, escalating battle as the player moves toward the front of the train. Each section introduces new challenges, from ambushes and rooftop skirmishes to navigating a kitchen car teetering over a canyon. The narrative is woven into the environment, with debris, destruction, and enemy placements reflecting the ongoing assault.
The first step was identifying the key set pieces I wanted to include and how they would impact the player experience. My goal was to create a sense of tension and progression, keeping players engaged as they traverse the train. I achieved this through three primary methods:
Enemy Encounters: Combat is the core of the level, designed to escalate in intensity as players move forward. Encounters range from tight, close-quarters battles to long-range sniper engagements, forcing players to adapt and utilize the weapons and upgrades they acquire.
Contrast in Scale: The level alternates between narrow, confined interiors like the passenger cars and large, open spaces such as the rooftops and canyon-crossing sections. This variation creates a sense of unease and keeps the experience dynamic.
Scripted Events: To make the environment feel alive, I incorporated scripted elements such as hazard lights, a cinematic helicopter flyover, and destructible debris. These moments catch the player's attention and reinforce the sense of urgency.
With these tools in place, I broke down the events and associated them with their respective spaces to develop a cohesive structure. Each section of the train offers a unique combination of combat, traversal, and narrative beats, creating a seamless and immersive experience that drives the player toward the climactic confrontation in the engine car.
Reference Moodboard and Level Design Decisions
To establish a clear vision for Trainwreck, I began by gathering reference images and concept art of train interiors, bridges, and canyon landscapes, along with layouts from Call of Duty and other FPS games. This reference collection helped define the overall aesthetic and functional layout of the level. From the outset, I wanted the train to feel realistic, with believable proportions and a strong sense of scale, while still accommodating dynamic combat scenarios and environmental storytelling.
After selecting the most relevant references, I organized them sequentially to align with the intended engagement curve. This process helped refine the placement of key events and encounters. For instance, the rooftop combat section was initially conceived as a simple traversal point, but after seeing rooftop reference images and considering the pacing of the level, I expanded it into a combat scenario where players can choose between sniping enemies from a distance or engaging them up close.
This iterative process also influenced environmental storytelling. The kitchen car, for example, evolved from a straightforward transitional space to one teetering over the canyon, introducing tension and a vertical gameplay element. Similarly, the destroyed ninth car became a pivotal narrative moment, reflecting the terrorists’ attack and blocking traditional paths forward, forcing players to adapt.
By combining reference materials with gameplay considerations, I produced a cohesive design that balances narrative immersion, thematic consistency, and engaging player progression. This approach informed the final layout and ensured every space contributed meaningfully to the overall experience.

Key Takeaways
Blending level design with gameplay flow: This project underscored the importance of designing spaces with gameplay in mind. By setting up enemy behaviors and spawn locations through an AI asset pack, I ensured that each area of the level presented a unique challenge. The placement of enemies and their timing added depth to the gameplay, reinforcing the importance of structuring environments to work harmoniously with combat scenarios and player movement.
Maximizing existing tools: I worked to creatively adapt available assets to achieve a variety of player experiences. By fine-tuning the parameters of an AI asset pack and combining it with environmental scripting, I created diverse enemy encounters, such as snipers on rooftops and close-combat soldiers. Integrating simple lighting, sound, and destruction effects added an extra layer of immersion without introducing unnecessary complexity.
Technical Skills Improved
AI Deployment: Instead of creating AI from scratch, I worked with an asset pack to control where and when enemies appeared, how they patrolled, and how they reacted to the player. Trigger boxes ensured that enemies spawned in line with the player’s progress and were never visible until the right moment.
Cinematic Integration: Using Unreal Engine's sequencer, I added a helicopter flyover sequence that dropped enemies mid-combat, creating a memorable and dynamic moment in the level.
Destruction Systems and Effects: I applied UE5’s Chaos system to create destructible elements, such as a broken train car, while managing debris placement to avoid obstructing critical paths. This balance maintained a sense of realism without compromising gameplay.
Checkpoint Setup: I implemented a system that recorded player progress at specific points, ensuring players could respawn nearby without restarting the entire level.
This project helped me develop a stronger understanding of integrating gameplay with environment design and taught me how to effectively use pre-made tools to achieve a polished, immersive experience.