Legendary 5 Keysphere Gate

This project is a multi-layered challenge designed to test exploration, observation, and decision-making. The goal is to collect five keys scattered across the maze, complete their respective gauntlets, and use them to unlock a door that reveals a hidden teleporter.

Core Mechanics

Key Retrieval and Placement:

  • Each of the five keys is located at the end of unique gauntlets throughout the maze.

  • When the player picks up a key by pressing E, the script:

    • Destroys the key actor in the world.

    • Changes the key's podium material to grey, indicating the key has been collected.

    • Updates a boolean variable on the player (e.g., PlayerHasKey1?) to track the specific key.

  • A teleporter at the end of each gauntlet instantly transports the player back to the door room to streamline key placement.

Key Placement Logic:

  • The door room features five keyholders, one for each key. Players must place the keys in their respective holders.

  • When a key is placed:

    • The corresponding boolean variable is checked; if false, a message informs the player they need to retrieve the key.

    • If true, the key is accepted, and the script:

      • Activates an emitter and an animated glow effect on the keyholder.

      • Spawns a previously invisible orb in the keyholder blueprint to represent the key being inserted.

      • Updates the minimap orb representing the key's location, now glowing and animated, signaling successful completion.

      • Changes the keyholder material from grey to a vivid color for visual feedback.

Guidance and Player Feedback

Interactive Minimap:

  • The door room includes a mini-maze layout that shows the locations of the keys as orbs.

  • Orbs remain dormant until their respective keys are placed, at which point they light up and animate. This clear feedback helps players track their progress.

Visual and Material Changes:

  • Each keyholder reacts dynamically when activated, using materials, emitters, and animations to signal completion.

  • In-world podiums for uncollected keys turn grey after collection, reinforcing which keys have been picked up.

The Door Mechanism:

  • The door is a separate blueprint activated only when all five keys are inserted.

  • The script tracks how many keyholders have been activated. When the fifth keyholder is successfully triggered:

    • The door’s timeline animation plays, causing it to fall into the ground.

    • The teleporter behind the door becomes accessible, signaling the end of the puzzle.

Technical Highlights

Streamlined Key Tracking:

  • Boolean variables (PlayerHasKey1?, etc.) track the player’s progress and ensure correct key placement.

  • Branch logic on each keyholder validates whether the player has the correct key, preventing incorrect interactions.

Custom Visual Effects:

  • Emitters, material changes, and animated orbs provide immersive feedback, ensuring players understand their progress without relying solely on text prompts.

Dynamic Teleporter Integration:

  • Teleporters streamline navigation, minimizing downtime and maintaining gameplay flow as players move between gauntlets and the door room.


Hedge Cannon


Helicopter Sequencer + Enemy AI Spawn