Tile Maze

  • Simple Overlap Detection: Each tile has a trigger box that detects when the player steps onto it.

  • Player Reset Mechanic: If the player triggers the wrong tile, the script instantly sends them back to the start of the maze. This forces them to carefully pick their path rather than blindly stumbling forward.

  • Visual Feedback Through Materials: When a wrong tile is activated, its material changes to red. This subtle but essential detail helps the player remember which tiles have been triggered before, cutting down on repeated trial-and-error frustration.

Performance Considerations:
Right now, each “wrong” tile is an individual blueprint with its own trigger box. This made rapid prototyping a breeze but isn’t the most optimal solution. One large trigger zone could handle detection and logic more efficiently, but then you’d lose the fine-grained control over individual tile colors. For many projects, the current solution might be perfectly fine—it’s a trade-off between flexibility and pure performance.

Each tile is either a:

(1) White box blueprint with a trigger box and static mesh,

(2) Black box blueprint with a trigger box and static mesh, or

(3/4) Black/White static mesh box.

The map at the beginning shows the player the path so that they don’t have to brute force but can use their memory if they so choose

Very simple script, just casts to the player controller and if the player overlaps the trigger box then sets the actor location to the beginning of the maze (exposed variable so editable in engine) and then for player convenience sets the material of the static mesh to red)


Spawning Enemy AI


Teleporter Maze with AI Enemies